Indonesian Foregn Company Profile

Indonesian Foregn Company Profile, The directory consists of  2 volumes, comprises some 2,463 companies and covers 2,110 pages is only available in English edition
Displays Index  (-By Companies, -By Province, -By Products (Automotive, Electronic, Chemical, Oil Palm & Plastic) -Index By Countries
Each company profile is unveiled its important data and information starts from :

  • Name of Company
  • Full Address
  • Date of Establishment
  • Legal Status
  • Category
  • Permit (s)
  • Lines of Business
  • Production Capacity
  • Capitalization
  • Shareholder (s)
  • Total Investment
  • Bankers, Started Operation
  • Total of Employees
  • Supervisory Board
  • Board of Management
  • Associates Companies and the Remarks

In the amidst of global economy uncertaintly, Indonesia is still existing well although keeping in alert. Why ? Apparantly in the reign era of Jokowi-JK, Indonesia is being appraised as one of the main investment destination as well as other region countries such as Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia.

Big Foreign Company in Indonesia

Even on The Economist Corporate Network survey report titled “Investing into Asia’s Reform Landscape, Asia Business Outlook Survey 2015” called Indonesia was in the second rank position as the main investment destination in the continent. Indonesia was just left behind China.

Additional, based on Nations United Conference Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report, Indonesia got an increasing at 20% of foreign direct investment to US$ 22.6 from US$ 18.8  at the previous year that was the highest level in the Southeast Asia countries.

Furthermore, based on the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), even if last year the country’s economy was facing a slow down, yet Indonesia’s foregin direct investment realization still tended to uphill.

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