
Study on The Market and Prospect of FOOD COMMODITIES (Paddy & Palawija) in Indonesia, 2017



Product Description

Study on The Market and Prospect Food Commodities (Paddy & Palawija) in Indonesia
Indonesia is a state which has a very abundant of natural resources, one of them is a really fertile soil. Now, Indonesia is a very important role as a food commodities producer caused by Indonesia has been listed as the word’s third largest producer after China and India.

Generally, Indonesia has an incredible potential in agricultural contex such as in the sector of Palm Oil, Rubber and Cocoa products which have dominated the world market gradually. However, even Indonesia placed the world’s third rank of food commodities producer, unfortunally Indonesia might to face some problems that repeated almost every year in the food commodities production.

Indonesia’s Compound Annual Growth Rate/ CAGR suffered negative growth, meanwhile the population growth rate kept to increase positively, which means the need for food commodities kept to go up continuously

Based on the above phenomenon, in the early of August 2017, P.T. CITRA CENDEKIA INDONESIA (CCI) – an independent business consultant bases in Indonesia – has succeeded in compiling and publishing a business study titled : Study on the Market Prospect of FOOD COMMODITIES (PADDY & PALAWIJA) In Indonesia, 2017 -2021.The comprehensive business study gives enterpreneurs in the business and candidate of investors candidate a clear picture of obstacle and market potential in the business.

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